Friday 18 January 2013

What Are the Different Types of 3D Glasses?

All types of 3D glasses can be divided into two categories: passive and active. Active 3D glasses interact wirelessly with images on a screen to enhance 3D viewing, whereas passive glasses do not. Passive 3D glasses have been around since three-dimensional viewing first arrived in the 1920s, and are themselves divided into two major subcategories: anaglyphic and polarized glasses.

Practically anyone who has ever seen a 3D movie is familiar with anaglyph glasses, which feature a combination of red and blue lenses. Anaglyphic 3D works by projecting two identical but slightly offset images on a screen, each image tinted with a different color. To the naked eye, an anaglyphic image appears blurry, with reddish and bluish hues. The glasses use color-filtering lenses to target one image to the right eye, and another to the left; the result is that each eye sees a different image, but the mind is tricked into believing it sees only one. The mind compensates for this by focusing in between the two offset images and blending them into one, which creates an illusion of depth.

Passive polarized glasses operate on the same basis as anaglyph glasses, only they filter light waves rather than color. Again, two identical and slightly offset images are superimposed, except in this case each image is polarized to project light differently than the other. With polarized 3D glasses, each eye only processes one image. Again, however, the mind is tricked into blending the two images into one, creating a 3D experience. Unlike anaglyphic 3D, which can be projected from any screen, polarization 3D works best with screens able to relay different light frequencies without sacrificing picture quality.

On a simpler scale, Pulfrich glasses can also create a 3D effect, but only with objects moving across the viewer's plane of vision. These 3D glasses have one completely transparent lens, and another that is heavily tinted. As an object moves across the visionary plane, the image is immediately transmitted to the eye through the transparent lens, but the tinted lens causes a slight delay. This delay causes the brain to add more depth to the image, creating somewhat of a 3D effect.

Since the advent of LCD technology, which is capable of digitally transmitting images at super high-speeds, 3D glasses have made great technological leaps and bounds. Today, active shutter glasses are able to communicate wirelessly with an LCD display, interacting with the action on the screen via infrared signals. This enables the lens on active glasses to shutter back and forth between different light filters, further enhancing the 3D viewing experience.

Another significant upside to active technology is that it is adaptable to 3D TV sets. A 3D-ready television set, a pair of active shutter glasses, and a stereoscopic sync signal connector will allow the LCD display and glasses to communicate with one another. A growing number of television broadcasts are being produced to take advantage of this technology.

What Are the Different Types of 3D Animation Jobs?

There are a variety of different 3D animation jobs available. Many of them are found in companies that produce films, video games, and advertisements, though there are also other industries that make use of animators. Animators may create three dimensional objects and then move these objects around the screen or they may work in background animation, lighting, and storyboarding. Directors and producers can also find 3D animation jobs and though these professionals may not work on an animation itself, they are still an essential part of a 3D animation team.

Some of the most common 3D animation jobs involve the creation and animation of computer generated characters or objects. Modelers are used to create the three dimensional objects seen in animations. These professionals often focus on just the physical structure of these objects, allowing other artists to add details such as texture and color. Once the objects have been modeled on a computer, an animator is needed to program movement that brings these objects to life.

Aside from the creation and animation of 3D objects, 3D animators may also be involved in the creation of the environments these objects are found in. Background artists are used to illustrate the world that characters and objects exist in. In some cases, the world created by people with these types of 3D animation jobs needs to be rendered in three dimensions so that the camera angle can change inside the animation and show the environment from a variety of different angles. Alternatively, backgrounds may be made in two dimensions that appear to be in three when viewed from a certain angle.

There are also 3D animation jobs that are not involved with the actual creation of the animation. Layout artists are used to determine how to arrange the objects and backgrounds within the frame. Storyboard artists are needed to figure out the exact story line, whether the animation is a full length film or a brief advertisement. 3D animation also requires the use of lighting and specialized animators are often needed to provide computer generated light in an animation.

It is possible for 3D animation jobs to be found in a number of different fields. Some of the most common industries that make use of 3D animators are the film and video game industries. It is also possible to find these kinds of jobs in military organizations, advertising firms, and companies that create educational resources.

What Are the Different Types of Computer Vision Technology?

Computer vision (CV) is, very simply put, a method to recognize and interpret images using cameras and computers. Computer vision technology is utilized in a number of fields and is made up of a number of specialized hardware and software applications. Some types of computer vision technology include high-resolution cameras, individually designed computer systems, and specialty sensors or filters for both the camera and the computer.

Charged coupled device (CCD) cameras typically provide the image output for computer vision technology. CCD cameras can be omnidirectional, pan-tilt-zoom, or straight vision. Cameras developed by Carnegie Mellon University known as CMUcams are a type of computer vision technology that combine a video camera with a micro-controller. This allows for on-board support of simple image processing. Robotics often utilizes stereo vision, combining two cameras calibrated to capture an accurately converged image.

The computers used for computer vision technology purposes require special parts like daughter boards, also known as daughter cards, and processor boards designed to accelerate the design process. Sensors such as very large scale integration (VLSI) and infrared (IR) sensors are included to facilitate various tasks, such as night vision. Thermal sensors handle heat recognition.

Frame grabbers are implemented to take an analog image sent to the computer from the CCD camera or other image-capturing device and convert it to a digital image in gray-scale or color. Two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) line scanners are included as well, assisting in blob detection, motion sensing, and edge detecting. In certain applications, such as harsh environments, specialty enclosures may be used to protect the hardware.

Robotics and the security and surveillance industry are two of the primary fields using computer vision technology. The medical industry and astronomers play a big role as well. CCD cameras or the like provide the base image for the computer to process as requested by the programmer. Images can be processed generally, providing simple edge detection in 2D, which allows for motion estimation, or in 3D, which then allows for shape extraction.

All of the varying styles and configurations of computer vision technology utilize algorithms developed specifically for CV purposes. These algorithms assist with such tasks as enhancing images and finding lines to match them with models. The use of algorithms keeps the amount of data to be processed down to a minimum by extracting only the information necessary for a dedicated task.

While computer vision is constantly evolving in tandem with technology, it already plays an important part in the fields mentioned herein and many others. Blob detection and face recognition are important in security applications. Robotics relies on computer vision technology to maneuver successfully unmanned or autonomous vehicles. The current applications of the technology may be just the beginning of things that can be done with this emerging field of computer vision.

How Do I Choose the Best 3D Printing Services?

In order to choose the best three dimensional (3D) printing service, it is necessary to consider the type of object you need to have printed. There are many different reasons to make use of 3D printing services, from rapid prototyping to simply wanting a physical copy of a model you created, so it is important to consider factors such as construction material and cost. Some 3D printing services are substantially more expensive than others, and the different types of construction materials are each suited to specific applications. Polyamide tends to be a good material for objects with hinges or other moving parts, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) tends to be quite strong, and certain resins can offer a higher level of detail. Some 3D printing services only offer one type of construction material, while others will provide you with a choice.

Additive manufacturing is a process that is capable of building three dimensional objects from raw materials such as powders and liquid polymers. These processes involve placing down successive layers of very thin material until an entire object has been constructed. One type of additive manufacturing is specifically referred to as 3D printing, since the machines used in the process bear a resemblance to traditional printers. These 3D printers have come down in cost since they were first introduced, though they can still represent a significant investment. For people who only want to create a few objects, it is typically more cost effective to make use of commercial 3D printing services.

The most important factor in choosing a 3D printing service is to verify that they accept the type of 3D models you are working with. Most 3D printing services accept the stereolithography (STL) file format, which can be created by a number of computer-aided design (CAD) software packages. If you are working with the additive manufacturing format (AMF), then you will need to find a 3D printer that supports that. Unlike STL files, AMF files can contain data regarding the types of materials and colors to use in the 3D printing process.

It is also important to consider the type of manufacturing materials when choosing a 3D printing service. Some of these services have several types of printers, and can handle many different materials, while others specialize in just one type. If the object you need to have printed has hinges, or other moving parts, you should choose a service that offers polyamide construction materials. Projects that require a great deal of strength or dimensional accuracy are typically a good match for ABS plastic, and resin can offer a very finely detailed product.

What Is a 3D Logo Maker?

A three-dimensional (3D) logo maker is a graphical design program that specializes in making logos in 3D. Most 3D logo maker programs are generators, meaning they generate logos rather than allow users to design custom logos. A 3D logo maker generally saves the images as vectors, which allows them to be stretched to any size without quality penalties. As generators, most of these programs restrict freedom and are not usually suited for general 3D designing.

There are many two-dimensional (2D) logo makers, and some may even be able to make convincing 3D logos. The major difference between a 2D and 3D logo maker is the amount of axes created. With a 2D logo maker, even if the logo is shaded to look 3D, there are only two axes created. A true 3D logo program will store three axes of information. If the logo is only going to be printed, then this usually does not change much, but a 3D image can easily be animated if the logo maker also has animation features.

The majority of 3D logo maker programs are generators rather than design programs. A generator is a program that enables the user to select a graphic, change a few parameters and have a logo generated. With a design program, the software usually will focus on making a 3D logo from scratch, and there normally will be tools to facilitate logo creation.

Control can be an issue with 3D logo maker programs, especially with a generator. A generator often allows the user to enter some custom text, but there rarely are tools to make custom graphics or effects; all or most of the effects are preloaded and cannot be changed outside certain parameters. This means most 3D logo makers cannot be used for general 3D design. At the same time, users without 3D design experience may make better use of this, because they may not be able to make a 3D logo from scratch.

When a logo is made, 3D or otherwise, it often will be printed on many different marketing materials, but the logo size may have to be different for each printed item. For example, a 3D logo would have to be small for business cards but large for billboards. To assist with this, most 3D logo maker programs save the logo files as vectors, or images that can be stretched without creating any worries about quality.

What Is 3D Lettering?

3D lettering is a typography design choice usually found in graphic design as well as some types of industrial design. This kind of multidimensional design can be done in digital, print, and sculpture projects, and many 3D fonts are rendered so that the letters appear to visually jump off the page or computer screen. Instead of looking flat, each letter has a visible top, side, and bottom view, depending on the angles used. Advertising designers frequently use 3D lettering in banners, posters, or billboards to capture viewers' attention quickly. Although 3D graphic design projects can be done relatively easily with an electronic illustration software program, experienced graphic designers often report that a solid understanding of drawing 3D letters by hand is important for effective use of this kind of lettering.

Various non-digital platforms for 3D lettering include signs, portable trade show displays, and even sculpture. Industrial designers sometimes create large 3D letters for the facades of office buildings to advertise the businesses inside. These letters can be made from steel, plastic, aluminum, and other similar material. The process of designing these lettering projects frequently involves the use of 3D software for rendering models of the letters before the actual fabrication steps take place. Businesses that incorporate this kind of lettering usually appeal to customers because 3D images in general have a higher degree of visual interest than two-dimensional ones.

Websites are additional places to find 3D lettering. Some of the most popular choices for this kind of typography design are banner ads placed on websites in the webmaster's hope of catching visitors' attention and inciting them to click on a link within one of these ads. Website graphic designers usually create these letters with image editing or illustration software; many of these programs allow them to create effects such as drop shadowing and color gradients. Designers who include 3d lettering often have a range of decisions to make concerning letter size, position, and angle.

Successfully drawing 3D lettering can be accomplished with a stencil or ruler to create the beginning flat letter shape. Many beginning designers start with simple block letters without serifs in order to make filling in the shadows easier. Connecting the required lines by hand sometimes takes a fair amount of practice, but many people in the graphic and industrial design industries find that this initial process leads to better results with 3D design software.

What Is a 3D Photo Cube?

A three-dimensional (3D) photo cube is a computer application or script that displays a six-sided cube on the screen and each of the faces of the cube contains an image or photograph, usually one defined by the user. The relatively simple elements of a 3D photo cube allow the effect to be used in nearly any context, including in computer screen savers, multimedia applications, websites and embedded devices, and as a special-effects filter in some graphical image editors. In most implementations, the cube is not static but constantly rotates on an axis and sometimes even moves slowly across the screen. More complex versions of a 3D photo cube can have additional effects applied to the cube, including reflections, animations and interactive elements that allow a user to move or control the cube.

Many people use a 3D photo cube because it is a simple, interesting and compact method that displays a number of photographs simultaneously. Each of the faces of the cube can contain a different photograph, and the cube rotates slowly, so each of the six photographs will be shown over time while hinting at the other photographs, which might not be in full view. Some programs even allow the cycling of different photographs over time so the images on the sides of the cube automatically change at given intervals.

One complication that a 3D photo cube might have is the fact that each face on the cube is a square, while the shape of most photographs is rectangular. The default behavior of some 3D photo cube applications in this regard varies but can include automatically cropping an image to a smaller size, centering the larger image so the center shows in the square, or scaling the image so there is a gutter on the top and bottom within the cube face. A better result would require the user to edit the digital photographs to be used, making them square before loading them into the 3D application.

A more advanced version of a 3D photo cube program could include interactivity as one of its features. This can be especially entertaining when the program is run on a handheld device in which the angle and pitch of the device can be tied to the movements of the cube. Some cubes are programmed to follow the mouse cursor or to change facing based on keyboard input. One common feature is the ability to switch from the 3D photo cube to a full-screen viewing mode for the photograph that is facing the screen.